I’m from Puna. My ‘ohana live in Puna, and my keiki were raised here.

“Leadership is all about making positive impacts in Community by listening and making strong decisions that benefit our future generations…“
Aloha Kākou
I am Matt Kāneali‘i-Kleinfelder, your Puna council member for District 5.
From Kalapana to Volcano – it has been an honor and a privilege to be your councilmember and serve our community for the past 6 years.
I am humbled by the aloha I’ve received from each person along the way.
The beauty and diversity in our community are what makes Hawai‘i special.
The Why
I’m from Puna. My ‘ohana live in Puna and my keiki were raised here.
We drive the same road and work the same jobs. I understand the challenges because I face them as well.
The past few years have been challenging for us.
In 2016 we endured Hurricane Iselle.
In 2018 we lost Officer Bronson Kaliloa and a large part of Puna to an eruption.
In 2019 the world turned its attention to Mauna Kea.
We are still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.
I am humbled by the opportunity to represent Puna Uka and ask for your trust in our future.
We must continue to work together to effectively address the challenges life presents to all of us.
After Hurricane Iselle and the eruption my wife and I delivered hot meals, water, and dry goods for weeks.
In 2018, during the Puna eruption, my wife and I delivered food to our first responders until the community was able to establish a working emergency kitchen.
I will always offer what I have to others.
In July of 2018, Officer Kaliloa was tragically killed in the line of duty. This was a huge blow to our police force and the people of Puna. We have struggled for years with crime and level of service. In my first term, I vowed to make our safety a priority. In the first budget cycle, I overcame decades of budgetary restrictions and increased our Puna police patrol by 10 positions.
In 2019, the people of Hawai‘i County were told that TMT would not be a county issue. It became one of the largest issues to face our county and state. I fought to ensure that our police could safely continue their level of service to our community and that the County of Hawaii followed correct procedure.
I will always ask the hard questions.
I was raised by my parents to ask listen and ask questions. Understanding the challenges we face takes humility and experience. Your trust in me as a leader has created positive impacts in our community for local Families.
I will always make sure our community’s safety is first and foremost.
Our future starts by ensuring our people’s health and rebuilding our economy. Right now, we need jobs and housing for local people. Local families cannot afford housing and affordable housing is not affordable. This is a serious issue that threatens the future of our residents and Aloha.
Our island needs stability and continuity in leadership.
I strongly support our local businesses; they are the backbone of our economy and offer jobs to local families. At the end of the day, it boils down to keeping the money on-island and in the hands of local families.
As a business owner, I understand the challenges that COVID19 is creating in our community.
Our reliance on outside support is our achilles heel. We have to focus on our strengths: Agriculture, renewable energy, our keiki and aloha. Leaders must make decisions that will better the world for our grandchildren’s children.
We plant trees, not for ourselves, but for future generations.
Our Future
Our world has changed and we need to adapt. Our people are facing challenges from COVID19, climate change, resource management, social disparity, and cost of living. It’s time for our county to invest in renewable energy, grow our agriculture, nurture our communities, and find our roots. We have to be open to change, because change we must. We need fresh ideas with new perspectives on past experience. We will need smart veteran leaders to guide us through these challenging times.
I ask for your trust as a leader for our keiki’s tomorrow.
In my first three terms in office I was able to:
- overcome years of budgetary restrictions and increase our Puna Police patrol by 10 positions
- create awareness in human trafficking and validate the challenges facing our keiki and ohana
- pass historic legislation to allow the County to maintain private roads
- Create a program to provide free towing and disposal of junk vehicles from private property
- provide grants to individuals and businesses affected by COVID19
- increase transparency in government processes
In these challenging times, I once again ask for your trust, support and your vote in the Primary Election.
MAHALO for allowing me to serve you the past 6 years on the Hawai‘i County Council.
Matt Kāneali‘i-Kleinfelder
If you have any further concerns or questions, email punamatters@gmail.com